Foreign Trade Zone #283 Service Area Expansion Approved

On November 8, the Department of Commerce approved the service area of FTZ #283 to include all of Crockett County along with portions of Weakley, Henry, Carroll, and Henderson Counties. This expansion puts 95% of the geographically allowed area of West Tennessee within the FTZ. Below is a rough outline of the new service area. Inset maps for Carroll and Henderson Counties are available upon request.

Advantages of being included in FTZ #283:

  • Cost Savings for Imported Products Benefits
    • Duty reduction, deferral and elimination
    • Ability to reduce cost of scrap and waste
    • Ability to reduce cost of merchandise processing fees with weekly entry
  • Logistics Benefits
    • Direct delivery to expedite delivery of off-shore products
    • Zone to zone transfers extend duty deferral throughout the manufacturing process to finished product
  • Internal Benefits
    • Better inventory management and control
  • Economic Development Benefits
    • Facilitate re-shoring of jobs
    • Allow communities to submit on FTZ required projects
    • Incentivize investment from existing industry
    • Remove disadvantage from your community as compared to most other areas of the Southeast
    • Enhance opportunities to receive consideration from site selectors and corporate decision makers on new facilities

Please contact us if you have any questions.